The Druid Things Team
Monique Obligación and Rocco Mapúa are staunch advocates of zero waste and low-impact living.
The couple has dedicated the past few years to helping build and manage of some of the largest and most prominent sustainability-themed online communities in the Philippines. They founded Manila Grows Food together— a support group and online resource for urban gardening and composting. The group occasionally hosts urban gardening talks and plant-swaps all over the metro. Monique is also one of the pioneer administrators of Buhay Zero Waste, a Filipino community with over 50,000 members, all trying to reduce the waste they generate in their day-to-day lives.
Monique and Rocco have been practicing zero-waste together since 2016. The pair has also been doing environment-awareness talks and presentations for various organizations, offices, schools, malls, festivals, etc. since. They recently started Druid Things together— a blog that talks about their life without trash cans.
Despite living in a condominium in the middle of the concrete jungle and food-desert that is Makati, the two have built an urban garden, grown their own produce, and composted all of their own kitchen waste in the last few years. Together, they have managed to achieve a household that does not send any waste to landfills.